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    On Immunity: An Inoculation

    119.00 Lei

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    ISBN: 9781555976897 Autor: Eula Biss Editura: Graywolf Press Pagini: 216 Format: Dimensions: 145mm x 226mm x 23mm | 386g


    A "New York Times" Best Seller A National Book Critics Circle Award Finalist

    A "New York Times Book Review" Top 10 Book of the Year

    A Facebook "Year of Books" SelectionOne of the Best Books of the Year * National Book Critics Circle Award finalist * "The New York Times Book Review "(Top 10) *"Entertainment Weekly "(Top 10)" * New York Magazine" (Top 10)* "Chicago Tribune" (Top 10) * "Publishers Weekly "(Top 10) * "Time Out New York "(Top 10) *" Los Angeles Times" * "Kirkus "* "Booklist "* NPR's "Science Friday" * "Newsday "* "Slate "* "Refinery 29" * And many more...

    Why do we fear vaccines? A provocative examination by Eula Biss, the author of "Notes from No Man's Land," winner of the National Book Critics Circle AwardUpon becoming a new mother, Eula Biss addresses a chronic condition of fear-fear of the government, the medical establishment, and what is in your child's air, food, mattress, medicine, and vaccines. She finds that you cannot immunize your child, or yourself, from the world. In this bold, fascinating book, Biss investigates the metaphors and myths surrounding our conception of immunity and its implications for the individual and the social body. As she hears more and more fears about vaccines, Biss researches what they mean for her own child, her immediate community, America, and the world, both historically and in the present moment. She extends a conversation with other mothers to meditations on Voltaire's "Candide," Bram Stoker's "Dracula," Rachel Carson's "Silent Spring," Susan Sontag's "AIDS and Its Metaphors," and beyond. "On Immunity" is a moving account of how we are all interconnected-our bodies and our fates.

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